Année: 1919
Durée: 17 mins
Description: I. Captain Paul Daum, commanding the French 28ième Escadrille, attached to 79th Division, posed in his Salmson 2A2 aircraft at Rumont on 18th October. A posed group of officers of the escadrille. Left to right Daum, Captain Morette of the air photo section, Lieutenant Dautresme, pilot, Lieutenant Dupont, pilot, Lieutenant Asnard, observer, Lieutenant Blanc, observer, Lieutenant Mettas, observer, Lieutenant Boug, observer, Sergeant-Major Moulon, pilot. Lucien Dautresme prepares to take Henry Paschen of the photographic unit for a flight in the Salmson. II. Men of 'C' Battery, 130th Field Artillery of 35th Division carry ammunition from a dump to 155mm howitzers in a wood near Sommedieue. The divisional commander, Major-General Peter E Traub, talking to the Assistant Adjutant in Chief, Major D F Davis. The field commander of 1st Battalion, 138th Infantry Regiment, 35th Division is a lieutenant, 1st Lieutenant Lloyd C Brightfield. His battalion is in deep dugouts, with 'D' Company in a stone quarry. The officers of the battalion to survive the Argonne drive are left to right Brightfield, 2nd Lieutenant W B Edmondson of 129th Machine Gun Battalion, 1st Lieutenant R S Keller, the surgeon, and 2nd Lieutenant H R Adams, the adjutant, in a posed group. III. Chaplain J R Creighton of 101st Signal Battalion conducts a service in a ruined church in Verdun for his men on 18th October. IV. Chaplain E J Griffiths conducts the funeral service for Sergeant-Major J W Dehaven and Sergeant M J Dobry of Headquarters Company, 51st Artillery, on 18th October near Griscourt. The men were killed by a shell the night before. This is a full military funeral. V. 1st Lieutenant Edward V Rickenbacker, commanding 94th 'Hat in the Ring' Pursuit Squadron, posed in his Spad 27 fighter at 1st Pursuit Group airfield, near Rembercourt, 18th October. Also present is Captain J A Meissner, commanding 147th Pursuit Squadron. A posed group of survivors of 94th Squadron, left to right Rickenbacker, Meissner, 1st Lieutenant Reed Chambers and 1st Lieutenant J H Eastman.
American film of US forces and French airmen on the Western Front, October 1918.
Mots-clés: EFG1914 / World War I / Daum, Paul / Morette (Captain) / Dautresme, Lucien / Dupont (Lieutenant) / Asnard (Lieutenant) / Blanc (Lieutenant) / Mettas (Lieutenant) / Boug (Lieutenant) / Moulon (Sergeant-Major) / Traub, Peter E / Davies, D F / Brightfield, Lloyd C / Edmondson, W B / Keller, R S / Adams, H R / Creighton, J R (Chaplain) / Griffiths, E J (Chaplain) / Rickenbacker, Edward Vernon 'Eddie' / Meissner, J A / Paschen, Henry / Chambers, Reed / Eastman, J H / De Haven, J Wesley / Dobry, M J / French Army, Air Corps & Escadrille, 28 / United States Army & American Expeditionary Force / United States Army & Div 79 / United States Army & Div 35 & Field Artillery Regt 130, C Bty / United States Army & Div 35 / United States Army & Div 35 & Infantry Regt 138, Bn 1 / United States Army & Div 35 & Machine Gun Bn 129 / United States Army & Field Signal Bn 101 / United States Army & Artillery Regt 51 / United States Army & Army Air Corps & Pursuit Gp 1 & Pursuit Sqdn 94 / United States Army & Army Air Corps & Pursuit Gp 1 & Pursuit Sqdn 147 / aircraft, French - combat: Salmson 2A2 / operations, French air - sortie / supplies, United States, movement [FA] - munitions / weapons, French - gun: 155mm howitzer & [United States] / defences, United States - emplacement: deep dugout / religion, Christianity - military, United States / casualties, United States graves - formal / buildings, French - religious: church & [damaged] / aircraft, French - combat: Spad 27 & [United States] / 01/3(4-15).9 / Rumont, Seine-et-Marne, France / Sommedieue, Meuse, France / Verdun, Meuse, France / Griscourt, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France / Rembercourt-Sommaisne, Meuse, France / camera / World War, 1914-1918 -- Motion pictures and the war
Fournisseur: Imperial War Museums
Droits: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Société de production: US Signal Corps
Couleur: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
Type de document: